"I'm so proud to be a graduate from the Institute for the Psychology of Eating!"
Jennessa Sabella
United States
I'm so proud to be a graduate from the Institute for the Psychology of Eating! It's been such a wonderful and timely experience in my life.
I wasn't able to get on many calls this year but I have thoroughly enjoyed spending time with you on videos, listening to your audios, and I feel like I know you. You have a wonderful gift of conveying Information and cultivating trust and relationships through recordings. Over the last 20 years of my life I've been in the holistic healing world as a yoga teacher, a massage therapist and a Reiki master. I've been exposed to so many different types of healing and all that information is just swirling around inside of my head. I already have one coaching certification but oftentimes when working with clients I have a hard time placing where to begin or what to talk about first.
I feel like this course took all of the information from my mind, enriched it with a wealth of additional, new knowledge, and gave it a structure that gives me so much more confidence and ease. I can now relax and trust the process of coaching with my clients. You're right, it really is so fun to just enjoy seeing where the relationship goes and follow the client’s journey and supporting them along the way. It was powerful for me to realize that I am not responsible for fixing or changing my clients. I just bring presence and guidance and hold space for them. That release of pressure allows me to be calm which conveys a more supportive position to the client. My practice clients that I have worked with, as I've gone through the last couple modules, have really shown me the power of this work and helped me to stop taking for granted the things that sometimes seem like common knowledge to me.
I'm so grateful for this training and for your dedication. It's obvious you put lots of work and thought into creating this program. The information was so dense that I fully intend to relisten to all the audios again starting in January! It's kind of like watching a movie for the second time -I know I will pick up on so many nuances that I missed the first time around.
I'm so proud to be a graduate from the Institute for the Psychology of Eating! It's been such a wonderful and timely experience in my life. Personally, in my life and body and relationship to food, it's been an eye opening education in the ways I judge myself, place intense demands on myself and create my own stress. I am working on shifting into a more balanced approach to life that allows time for rest and forgiveness, and releasing perfectionism and judgement. It's funny. I thought I would for sure lose weight while learning here, but I really have not. However, I feel like the work I've done has been valuable in helping me shift to a place where those goals will become more accessible. Ultimately though, I have learned that I don't have to be skinny to be loved, not just by others, but by myself. I've "known" about the power of self love before, but this time I really feel it. Thank you for that...
I'm looking forward to what's to come and staying connected in the alumni group! I feel a sense of excitement and purpose.