"My best self has been revealed throughout this certification, and there is more to come."
Hicunni Chandler
United States
Some of the doors that have opened up to me include: teaching food and wellness classes to elementary students, teaching life skills to teens, having an online presence that encourages moms of children with food allergies, and sharing eating psychology with local platforms. This cutting edge training is truly a treasure that will be cherished for a lifetime.
I am so blessed to have been a part of this amazing training. For two years, this training had been on my mind, and the timing was perfect for me to start this great work. Freedom has become part of my theme. This work has challenged me to shape myself into a “queen in training.”
Loving myself through every process has aided me to grow in character and to listen to The Most High's spirit – whom some call the Universe – to guide me into wisdom, and extract and embrace the gifts that are within me.
I've had to let go of toxic nutritional beliefs, thoughts, and most of all, a religion that has held me captive. My best self has been revealed throughout this training, and there is more to come.
Some of the doors that have opened up to me include: teaching food and wellness classes to elementary students, teaching life skills to teens, having an online presence that encourages moms of children with food allergies, and sharing eating psychology with local platforms.
This cutting-edge training is truly a treasure that will be cherished for a lifetime.