David Caplin

"This is the best health coach education program that I have ever encountered!"

David Caplin

United States

This Training gave me the ability to understand my clients much more deeply. I feel absolutely confident in my ability to really help a client get to where they want to go.

This is the best health coach education program that I have ever encountered. That’s because it’s not just about nutrition, it is about how to find out what makes a client tick and therefore facilitate sustainable change.

I graduated from a nutrition program over 10 years ago with a good understanding of nutrition and eating for health, but I was not ready to launch myself into the “coach” world because I did not have the knowledge and understanding of how to communicate with prospective clients. We humans are complex beings, and most of us act on subconscious programs 95 % of the time. How and what we eat is very complex and relates to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual identity and history.

This program was like finding the golden key to unlocking the door of communication with my clients. Communication is, of course, the key to everything, especially as a “coach”.

Now I possess the ability to understand a great deal more about my clients in a multidimensional way. I feel absolutely confident in my ability to really help a client get to where they want to go.

David Caplin
Certified Mind Body Eating Coach, Nutritionist
United States

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