Darla Gallew

"I used to have anxiety attacks before coaching sessions and every day was a stress. After taking the Training, I’m no longer afraid and I have a whole lot more confidence in my coaching abilities."

Darla Gallew

United States

I loved being able to listen to the Training at my own pace and then having the accountability of a deadline. With some programs, it’s easy to let go and you never end up finishing. Also being engaged with the staff and other students really helped me stay on track. I loved my peer coach; that too was well worth the time to see how others experience the work.

Taking the Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training has meant that I have a greater understanding of how the mind works in relation to food. Things I've previously thought might be going on for my clients have now been confirmed. And, I'm experiencing a whole lot more confidence in my coaching abilities.

In my own journey with food and body, the Training has given me more peace in my relationship to food. I put the scale away and stopped dieting. That experience was disconcerting and humbling. I was letting the world's standards dictate my choices rather than using my own body wisdom. I now have a greater understanding about my own health concerns and steps I can take as well as relaxing more around food. Before there was so much fear and tightness. I'm more willing to sink into the darkness to learn what messages are there for me in all aspects of my life whether eating, depression, Hashimoto’s, adrenal fatigue and really listen.

I loved being able to listen to the Training at my own pace and then having the accountability of a deadline. With some programs, it’s easy to let go and you never end up finishing. Also being engaged with the staff and other students really helped me stay on track. I loved my peer coach; that too was well worth the time to see how others experience the work.

Marc coached me through a challenge that I've been having in my practice with standing up for my clients’ best self and showing up. There's been so much discomfort around being willing to lose a client (client wasn't showing up on time and consistently canceling for non- emergency reasons less than an hour for the call). So I raised my hand and said it is not okay and what the new procedure was going to be. The client thanked me and felt more confidence in me as her coach for doing that because she knows that I will call her out. I never anticipated that response. I loved that Marc coached me through all aspects of this experience supporting me in having that discussion with my client and helping me to see the benefits of that discussion.

I'm a better coach as a result of this Training. I notice when I start to revert to trying to “fix” my clients, and I step back. I understand my abilities and when it’s a good idea to say no. I'm more willing to lose clients and make every session the best one so if it’s the last I'm good with that. I’m more aware of the need to not flood clients with information. Perhaps the biggest professional benefit is that I'm not afraid anymore. I used to have anxiety attacks before coaching and every day was a stress.

My own health journey has made dramatic improvements. I’ve slowed my pace down. Scientific studies are no longer my external authority … I am the authority, I am getting better at loving and accepting myself as I am. I'm taking better care of myself from a place of peace. Honoring my journey as being exactly what it needs to be at this time in my life. So much more peace around food sensitivities, and feeling less restricted and no longer white knuckling.

Darla Gallew
Certified Mind Body Eating Coach
United States

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