
"More than the tip of the iceberg."

Briana Galimi

United States

The Training has meant beginning to unravel into my fullest potential.

The Training has meant beginning to unravel into my fullest potential. As an aspiring school counselor, I can use these skills, knowledge and practice in my schools with my students. Some modules like mood, immunity and digestion felt as if Marc was speaking to me. I have to say that I am not where I want to be but as I went through each module, I resonated with so much of the material. Even though I may not be able to apply all of it yet in my own life, it has brought me awareness of those issues and the knowledge on how to work with my struggles that are always helping me grow. I loved having someone that saw through the same lens I do.

The Training changed my life in more ways I could imagine. It has made me a better counselor, a better sibling, better daughter, better friend and better girlfriend. I have become kinder to myself and others. I am more aware of my triggers, struggles and what is underneath the surface. Understanding myself more, has allowed me to understand others better, be more patient and see more than the tip of the iceberg.

I would recommend this training to anyone, even if they do not plan to be a coach in the future. I think anyone in the helping field can personally benefit from this program because it helps you learn more about yourself, increasing that ability to understand others on a deeper level. This is a great tool for anyone as an educator, parent/guardian, or in the helping field for that reason!

Even though it was online, I felt very engaged with the material. I am in graduate school, so I work well with listening and reading slides. I also was partnered up with someone in my program that was my age and lived in New York like me. We talked at least once a month via text and video chat. We supported one another throughout things outside the program, connecting us more to the program itself.

Briana Galimi
Certified Mind Body Eating Coach
United States

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