Most nutritional systems focus on rearranging the food on our plate. Meaning, we’re told to eat more of this, less of that, include these new foods, take these new supplements, and so on. Of course, this all makes perfect sense and can be super useful. But what we don’t see very often is nutrition and personal transformation being put into the same recipe. In this fascinating video from IPEtv, Emily Rosen, Director of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating delivers some fresh insights on how quality nutrition and personal transformation are a powerful one-two punch for a better life. We think you’ll make some excellent connections and discoveries!
Here is a transcript of this week’s video:
Hi, I’m Emily Rosen, Director of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating.
Nutrition and Personal Transformation:
What’s the Connection?
One of the beautiful things about the field of nutrition is that there are so many different ways to approach it. In fact, there may very well be as many useful nutritional systems as there are people who eat. Most often, new diets and nutritional systems focus on rearranging the food on our plate. Meaning, we’re told to eat more of this, less of that, include these new foods, take these new supplements, and so on. Of course, this all makes perfect sense and can be very useful.
What we don’t see very often is nutrition and personal transformation being put into the same recipe. When I say personal transformation, I’m talking about the process of growth and evolution, and the ways in which each one of us reaches for our greatest potential. I’m referring to a life well lived where we could say on our deathbed that I’ve given the best I can offer, I’ve left the world a better place, I’ve shared my gifts and talents for the benefit of others, and I overcame the obstacles and fears that had previously held me back.
So what do nutrition and personal transformation have to do with one another? Is there a connection?
Simply put: YES.
Allow me to give some examples to make this more real and concrete:
A poor quality diet almost guarantees that our personal potential will be limited. Poor nutrition equals poor cognition. Poor nutrition equals poor immunity. Poor nutrition equals poor health. Poor health equals struggle, energy drain, and a potential drain on our personal finances for medical costs.
It’s no secret that good brain development is dependent on good nutrition.
But it just might be that once we have good brain development, the creation of a better and better brain capacity is tied into more sophisticated nutritional strategies that we could practice.
So, it’s a good idea for us to be smart nutritional explorers, simply for the reason that it just might give us the extra edge we need to take the next step into a better and healthier version of who we can be.
Part of the power of using nutrition for personal transformation is to ask good nutritional questions. For example:
• Which foods support brain power?
• Which foods support my best immunity?
• What foods and supplements help me feel more clear headed?
• Which foods and supplements help me feel more open?
• Which foods inspire me and make me want to practice healthy habits?
• Which foods make me feel like I have more energy for life?
• And which foods help make me more open to insight and wisdom?
Equally important, part of the power of using nutrition for personal transformation comes from asking some great TRANSFORMATIONAL questions. Meaning:
• How is life asking me to grow right now?
• What are the life lessons I’m learning right now?
• What are the areas inside myself that I need to work on?
• What are the worldly skills I need to focus on to better myself?
• What are some of my blind spots?
• Are there any talents or gifts I have that I’m not using?
Oftentimes, we become attracted to certain foods or a certain way of eating that, unbeknownst to us, is supporting something new that’s emerging in our lives. Sometimes, we go through periods of accelerated personal growth. Sometimes, we go through periods of intense challenge. Sometimes we go through a dark night. Sometimes it seems like we’re just on a roll and good things are coming our way.
So it’s a great idea to notice what the body is calling for during any of the powerful periods in our life. For example, at different times in life, we might be called to:
• Follow a vegan or vegetarian diet
• Start eating more meat
• Switch to more high-quality and organic food
• Experiment with fasting and cleansing
• Use homeopathic medicines
• Explore the use of supplements and herbs
• Make it a practice to purchase locally grown food
• We might be called to eat some very specific foods
• Or we may instinctively wish to let go of certain foods: like sugar, gluten, dairy, soy, alcohol, caffeine, and so on
So, when it comes to the connection between nutrition and personal transformation here are a few key ingredients that will help any recipe come together:
First, try operating with a sense of TRUST. Meaning, trust your body wisdom, trust your life, trust the way you are instinctively attracted to different foods or nutrition strategies, and trust that no matter what, you’ll be okay.
Second, be a willing nutritional explorer. Be a scientist of your own body, and experiment with a sense of openness and innocence.
And finally, please consider placing a greater and greater value on this thing called “personal transformation”. The more we value it, the more it can show up for us. Good nutrition is important. But the work we do on self to grow in character cannot be replaced by a good meal plan.
When we value the care and health of our soul, the health of the body magically comes along for the ride.
I hope this was helpful.
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