My Life as an Eating Psychology Coach: Julia Curry

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My life as an eating psychology coach with Julia Curry

What made you want to become an Eating Psychology Coach?

I was consumed with food and body image challenges for much of my life. In my quest for healing, I sought counselors, nutritionists, and read numerous spiritual psychology books, while praying that somehow I could be freed from these struggles. When that didn’t work, I would bargain with God, hoping that the next diet, supplement protocol, and cleanse would resolve my issues with food. At my lowest point, I attended Overeaters Anonymous hoping that would bring the healing I sought. Although, I gleaned some wisdom along the way, I still wasn’t free. I was told by a therapist that I didn’t meet the criteria for an eating disorder. Since I wasn’t overweight, I was likely too hard on myself. I was told by others this just may be the proverbial “thorn in my side” that I had to live with. No one seemed to understand the torment of this struggle or have a true path for healing that was deeply transformative, soulful and sustainable. I knew that I was made for more. I just didn’t know how to get there and my options were running out.

I continued to press on in my determination to find food freedom and harmony in my body. With each step, I became more passionate in my knowing that this was what I was meant to help others with. A mentor told me that when I am able to fill this gap, I have found my purpose. Within a few months, by no accident, I was introduced to the Institute. This work became the ultimate game changer in my life both personally and professionally. My life has never been the same. I am now able to fully experience the life on the inside that always wanted to come out but never felt permission.

What do you love about being an Eating Psychology Coach?

Practicing as an Eating Psychology Coach for me is living the dream. It allows me to utilize my gifts, skill sets, and talents in a way that brings fulfillment unlike any profession has ever come close to. With each step further into this work, I get a clearer glimpse of who I truly am becoming and how I can show up for others in a way that rarely feels like work. I get to continually teach what I need to learn, so as my clients heal and transform, while I continue to grow and become.

I lived in the small story of food struggle and body shame for so long. What a gift to have found a path that addresses the “whole person” with a very solutions oriented, positive and transformative approach. I want to shout this message of freedom from the rooftops. I feel so fortunate to serve others in this way.

What does your practice look like?

My clients tend to be busy women that hold the bar high for themselves. Underneath the appearances of having it together, there is a restlessness indicating that something is out of sync. The challenges with weight, stress eating, and body unlove feel very undermining and out of alignment with their core values and soul purpose. They typically are women who value faith, friendships and family and show up well in doing for others. Underneath this however, is often a sense of weariness and not being enough. They feel stuck in their own lives and the war with food and body acts a a billboard for this. Often, there is a desire to integrate soul, body, spirit and mind into one harmonious thread, but no idea how to get there. Underneath the frustration with weight, is an impulse to awaken to a purpose that’s beyond the daily grind. Typically, by the time they come to me, they have already tried many diets, cleanses, willpower, prayer, exercise and, in some cases, surgery. They are so over behavior modification.

My focus is addressing the emotional and spiritual roots of frustrating food behaviors, chronic dieting, body loathing, self doubt and limiting fear and anxiety that tends to keep people locked in their story of struggle. These challenges are viewed as an invitation to awaken to a much more present, authentic and passionate way of showing up in this world. As barriers are dissolved, people find themselves living in alignment with their soul’s purpose in an authentically expressed way. Food issues naturally take a back seat and all this new energy is freed up to live. From there, anything is possible!

I meet with clients both in person, over the phone and via Skype. My No Longer Hiding program includes several packages that are customized to fit the needs of each client. Another passion of mine is public speaking. I teach on a variety of topics to women in business, mothers, spiritual communities, and in a variety of wellness settings. Group work is the next phase of development. Eventually I see myself collaborating with other coaches and leading transformative women’s retreats and creating space to write a book. The sky’s the limit!

How did your education at the Institute prepare you to work successfully with clients?

My favorite aspect of the Training was the Training videos and Facebook group. This tribe became like a family to me. I was listening to the modules while cooking, cleaning, running, playing and driving. I would go to my favorite coffee shop to study and find myself dancing in my car on the way home. Something beautiful was happening. My life was being transformed and those closest to me noticed it too!

What was your favorite aspect of the Training?

I felt very confident in the effectiveness of the work, because quite simply it was resolving issues I struggled with for 15 years. Not only that, every primary dimension of my life was enlivened. I began seeing clients during the Training and the flow and noticed that they too were experiencing similar shifts! Since I’ve been out of school, my practice continues to grow at the perfect pace. This has taught me to really trust that God will brings the right things at just the right time. I don’t need to stress over it at all. The more I remain in a posture of trust and openness, the more resonate clients come to me. I just keep showing up with my gifts in a spirit of service. It’s a true joy and honor to share this work.

How has being an Eating Psychology Coach impacted your professional life/financial well-being?

Professionally, this has taught me how show up in this world as a business woman. The actual one-on-one work with people is more second nature. The understanding of how to really structure and create a sustainable business was something I didn’t have as much experience with. This invited me to really explore my own barriers to seeing myself as a competent business professional. It’s been an amazing journey of learning and the Institute staff and fellow students have been there for me each step of the way. The container of support after graduation has been a huge contributor to my success as a coach. Now I have a very heart centered approach to business that feels authentic and rewarding financially, professionally, and personally. And, best of all, my work flows with and around my family and personal life very rhythmically.

Why would you recommend the Training to others?

I am so grateful for my food and body struggles. They led me to The Institute for the Psychology of Eating where I have find myself now living a much more wide open life in the space where my passions and purpose intersect. I highly recommend this Training!

NAME: Julia Curry Eating Psychology Coach, Mentor & Speaker LLC
BUSINESS: Julia Curry Eating Psychology Coach, LLC

BIO: Julia Curry is an Eating Psychology Coach, Wellness Advocate, and Speaker who guides women (and men) to transform their relationship with food, make peace with their bodies and discover a more confident and joyful life in alignment with the truth of who they are. Coming from earlier careers in college campus ministry and massage therapy, Julia later received formal Training at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating and The Center for Strategic Intervention. She has found that her own struggles with emotional eating, anxiety, and poor body image have been her best teachers. Her path has ignited a passion to facilitate experiences where people can heal the hurts they face within themselves and walk into deeply nourishing, healing, and supportive experiences with those around them. Julia currently lives in Indianapolis with her husband Garrett, two children, and fur baby. Contact Julia at

My life as an eating psychology coach with Julia Curry

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