How to Change Our Habits Around Stress Eating-In Session With Marc David

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In this episode of The Psychology of Eating Podcast, eating psychology expert Marc David works with guest coaching client Susan around her frequent habit of stress eating.

Like many of us, Susan’s life was hugely impacted by COVID-19.

After enjoying working from home for many months of the pandemic, Susan has returned to her workplace only to find it a pretty stressful experience.

She’s not so much worried about her personal safety, but is missing the sense of freedom she experienced working from home.

Stress Eating Habits Session

In their conversation, Marc coaches Susan on the psychological reasons we turn to food in times of stress, and how our eating challenges are often symbolic of our need for control and freedom in other areas of life.

Marc helps Susan recognize how she can shift her stress eating – not by focusing on food, but by looking at how this unwanted eating challenge is asking her to grow as a person.

As Susan acknowledges, she’s ready to make some necessary changes in her relationship to her work and career, as well as ensure that she doesn’t let go of the daily self-care habits she developed while working at home.

Tune into this wonderful conversation now!

We’d love to hear your own experience or thoughts about this episode – please drop us a comment below!

P.S. Interested in learning more about emotional eating and finally finding freedom with food? Would you like some deeper wisdom and guidance in your emotional eating journey? If so, we’d love for you to learn more about our special program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough. This is a 10-week online transformational experience that’s designed to help you finally find peace with food. You’ll learn from the originator of the field of Eating Psychology, Marc David – and you’ll be guided through a true mind, body, heart and soul approach combining the best of psychology, science, and personal development. The powerful tools and techniques you’ll discover in the program address the root cause of why we emotionally eat, forever changing your relationship with food.


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