Examining Our Thoughts & Beliefs Around Weight and Its Loss-In Session With Marc David

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For many years, Tiffany worried about what to eat, and believes that if she could only learn to “think like a thin person,” she could stop focusing so much on food.

And that would in turn help her to lose weight.

Tiffany holds a variety of other beliefs around food and body, such as what her ideal weight should be, that weight loss should be effortless, that she should never overeat, and many more.

And she’s not alone: all of us hold beliefs about our health, bodies, and our patterns with food.

But as Marc David, master eating psychology coach and founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, teaches, many of the beliefs we hold end up getting in the way of achieving the goals we hold so dear.

Here’s the thing: it’s natural to focus on food when we’re trying to lose weight. However, what so many people don’t realize is that nutritional changes alone don’t automatically lead to weight loss.

And that’s because weight challenges arise from the level of our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. In order to create lasting change, we have to do more than tinker with our nutrition – and instead dive into the key mindset issues that hold us back.

So be sure to tune into this fascinating episode, where we take a closer look at the psychology of weight loss, as well as the key nutritional, metabolic, and mind body factors that are influenced by our thoughts and beliefs about food.

We’d love to hear your own experience or thoughts about this episode – please drop us a comment below!

P.S. Interested in learning more about emotional eating and finally finding freedom with food? Would you like some deeper wisdom and guidance in your emotional eating journey? If so, we’d love for you to learn more about our special program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough. This is a 10-week online transformational experience that’s designed to help you finally find peace with food. You’ll learn from the originator of the field of Eating Psychology, Marc David – and you’ll be guided through a true mind, body, heart and soul approach combining the best of psychology, science, and personal development. The powerful tools and techniques you’ll discover in the program address the root cause of why we emotionally eat, forever changing your relationship with food.


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