Is There Such a Thing As a Weight “Set Point”?-In Session With Marc David

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In the weight loss world, the concept of a weight “set point” is pretty common.

Meaning, our bodies seem to have an intrinsic natural weight that can be different for each of us.

For many of us, that natural “set point” isn’t what we think it should be. We want a lower set point weight than we have, so we’ll often fight the body and make Herculean efforts to lose weight.

And while you’ll find lots of resources out there on how to change your set point, in this episode we explore weight set point from the perspective of eating psychology.

One of the key teachings of eating psychology is that our challenges with food and body are a great teacher. They’re not here to torment us or drive us crazy, they’re here to show us where our deepest personal growth lies.

Weight “Set Point” Session

So in this episode of “In Session,” you’ll hear Marc David, founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, work with 62-year old Joanne, who has lost and gained about 15 pounds over the last 30 years.

She has a clear idea of what her weight set point “should” be, it’s just that her body doesn’t seem to agree.

Every time she puts herself on a diet, Joanne loses weight. It seems like her “set point” has adjusted – until she starts to eat more pleasurable foods, when she gains the 15 pounds right back.

For Joanne, life just seems like it would be a whole lot easier – and she would be so much happier – if she could simply learn how to reset her weight set point.

But is changing her weight set point truly going to lead to happiness and fulfillment with this one precious, beautiful life she’s been given?

Tune in to find out!

We’d love to hear your own experience or thoughts about this episode – please drop us a comment below!

P.S. Interested in learning more about emotional eating and finally finding freedom with food? Would you like some deeper wisdom and guidance in your emotional eating journey? If so, we’d love for you to learn more about our special program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough. This is a 10-week online transformational experience that’s designed to help you finally find peace with food. You’ll learn from the originator of the field of Eating Psychology, Marc David – and you’ll be guided through a true mind, body, heart and soul approach combining the best of psychology, science, and personal development. The powerful tools and techniques you’ll discover in the program address the root cause of why we emotionally eat, forever changing your relationship with food.


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