What made you want to become an Eating Psychology Coach?
I wanted to become an Eating Psychology Coach because I have a strong interest in food related issues. I have had my own personal health issues, which I have tried to address through diet, and so I think this has given me an understanding of what others might be going through. I heard Marc speak at online seminars and thought his approach to diet was very interesting and different to everything else I had ever heard.
What do you love about being an Eating Psychology Coach?
I love the fact that I can talk to others about issues which fascinate me and that I can put into practise the skills that The training has given me. Everybody that I speak to about my role shows a real interest in this new area. I get a buzz when I have helped someone transform their relationship with food and gain insights into their life’s journey.
What does your practice look like?
I am running some local groups exploring how we relate to food. I am looking to expand this to other topics that I consider my clients will have an interest in. I also offer 1 to 1 coaching with a particular focus on energy related issues.
How did your education at the Institute prepare you to work successfully with clients?
The Training helped me to bring together lots of different ideas, as well as give me an insight as to which direction my practice is going. It gave me a structure to use for running 1 to 1 sessions with clients, as well as lots of ideas to enrich my practice and how to go about doing this.
What was your favorite aspect of the Training?
My favourite part of the Training was the case studies, which I have listened to several times and will go back to as a support for my work in the future. The audio files allowed me to listen on the train on my way to work and this was really helpful, allowing me time to think more deeply about the issues that Marc was identifying. He put everything in such a simple and easy way to follow and understand.
How has being an Eating Psychology Coach impacted your professional life/financial well-being?
I love the fact that I can dictate the pace of my work and not be dictated to by others. As the journey of life guides us, so does our client contact guide our practice. It is fulfilling to support others to the best they can be. I plan to generate enough of an income to support an early retirement from my current role as a teacher.
How has being an Eating Psychology Coach impacted you personally?
On a personal level, this Training has finally helped me to resolve my own health issues and to understand things about my own life. I have tried a lot of what the Training has suggested if it seemed appropriate, alongside the ethos it portrayed ‘ This is an experiment’. I also intend to read those books recommended as background reading that I was not able to do at the time, as they cover such a range of ideas.
What do you see for yourself in your future as an Eating Psychology Coach – where is your work evolving towards?
I see myself running a variety of groups in places such as slimming groups, health centres, the workplace, and online. I would also like to build up my practice further working with clients. I would like to combine my interests of cooking and growing food within my practice in some way.
Why would you recommend the Training to others?
This Training will broaden your mind and identify with your gut feelings about life. It is a great platform from which to become a coach. In the UK this area of work seems to be very new and everyone I talk to about it comments on this fact.
NAME: Ruth Flett, Nutritional Psychology Coach, United Kingdom
BUSINESS: Nutrition Mind Body Balance
WEBSITE: www.nutritionmindbodybalance.co.uk
BIO: Ruth Flett lives in Malvern in the United Kingdom. She is a Nutritional Psychology Coach who runs focused groups exploring the way we relate to food. Ruth helps others explore their own journey in life and uses her experiences to guide them on energy related issues. Her client focus is mid to later life. Ruth also has an interest in cooking and healthy diets to support well being.
P.S. – To learn more about the breakthrough body of work we teach here at the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, please sign up for our free video training series at ipe.tips. You’ll learn about the cutting-edge principles of Dynamic Eating Psychology and Mind Body Nutrition that have helped millions forever transform their relationship with food, body, and health. Lastly, we want to make sure you’re aware of our two premier offerings. Our Eating Psychology Coach Certification Training is an 8 month distance learning program that you can take from anywhere in the world to launch a new career or to augment an already existing health practice. And Transform Your Relationship with Food is our 8 week online program for anyone looking to take a big leap forward with food and body.
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