What made you want to become an Eating Psychology Coach?
After many years as a nonprofit executive director, and with a background as a clinical social worker, I was looking for a career change that would take me through my 50s and beyond. I have always been fascinated by health, healing, and nutrition – and am a big believer in the mind body connection. I felt like eating psychology would be a perfect way to blend my background, interests, and talents and give me the certification to start working with clients immediately upon completion.
What do you love about being an Eating Psychology Coach?
I love walking beside my clients as they go on their healing journey. I love being able to share my gifts and find that they are well received. I really enjoy the process of discovery that my clients and I go through together as they share their stories and we uncover where their true work lies. I love that through this unique work I can introduce people to a new paradigm in addressing their weight, body image, digestion and chronic dieting issues in a unique way that is nourishing and not punishing.
What does your practice look like?
I am currently working with people throughout the United States on Skype and seeing clients in person in my office in Colorado. Since graduating, my clients have ranged in age from 25-70 with the majority of my clients being in their 40s and 50s. I work with men and women and specialize in weight loss while also working primarily with people on digestion and body image challenges.
How did your education at the Institute prepare you to work successfully with clients?
I was amazed at how much information was included in the Training. I learned both the “why” and the “how” of working with clients. The synergy of mind body nutrition and dynamic eating psychology and its application to real-life symptoms and concerns is beautiful and effective.
What was your favorite aspect of the Training?
I loved so many aspects of the program, it is impossible to pick a favorite! The Training itself really worked well with my busy schedule. While going through the Training, I went through each session with the videos first. Then, I loved having access to the classes in audio format and listened to them frequently (usually in the car or while taking walks). The Facebook group was an awesome source of support and I have made a number of friends as a result (from all over the world!). The teleclasses with Marc were an incredible opportunity to ask questions and connect with him directly. Finally, the live event at the end was energizing, uplifting, and immensely inspiring.
How has being an Eating Psychology Coach impacted your professional life/financial well-being?
I was truly skeptical as to my ability to really turn this Training into a career. I started slowly and offered free sessions to anyone who wanted to work with me as a way of “giving my gift”. That gave me the confidence to start charging money and I began to attract paying clients. This past week I started with 4 new clients in one week. I now see that my goal of having a private coaching practice that is primarily remote,(Skype and phone, is entirely doable. My goal is to be a coach and work with clients until and possibly through “retirement”.
How has being an Eating Psychology Coach impacted you personally?
The Training really supports students in working on their own issues as they come up. I love that there is no expectation for me to be perfect and that we are all, indeed, growing and evolving. I see my own lifelong eating and weight challenges differently now and practice what I preach with my clients. I’m a big believer in “walking the walk” and being an example through my own actions and behaviors. I’ve learned to slow down, live in the moment, eat and live with awareness, and focus on all of the ways I can find nourishment in my life.
What do you see for yourself in your future as an Eating Psychology Coach – where is your work evolving towards?
I see myself growing my practice to where it is fully supporting me financially. I’m interested in creating programs I can take into corporate and health settings so that I can teach people a new way to look at weight, weight loss, yo-yo dieting, digestion, fatigue, and body image. I’m especially interested in finding ways to work in partnership with fitness trainers and dieticians and offer them a new view in helping people heal. I hope to write a book someday, too!
Why Would You Recommend the Training to Others?
The Training is unique, comprehensive, and edgy. The information is deep and powerful. The Institute for the Psychology of Eating is the pioneer in mind-body nutrition and dynamic eating psychology. It truly provides a way of looking at healing that is revolutionary. Practitioners will continue to learn and grow from revisiting the materials well after they have opened and started to grow their practices. The training format itself appeals to various types of learners: videos and handouts for visual learners; audio downloads for those who like to listen; the support from the closed Facebook group (first as students and then as alumni). The staff is very helpful for those who benefit from processing information with others.
There is nothing more satisfying than having the experience of helping someone achieve wholeness, healing, and balance in their lives. It is such a sacred privilege to have the opportunity to be someone’s coach and guide. Eating Psychology Coaching is truly a unique niche within the helping professions.
NAME: Neshama Mousseau
WEBSITE: coachneshama.com
BIO: My passion is to help people find and embrace their true vibrant selves. My coaching practice combines training in the extraordinary fields of dynamic eating psychology and mind body nutrition with my 25 years as a clinical social worker. I love sharing people’s journeys and consider myself to be a partner and guide to my clients. I work with the majority of my clients via Skype and telephone and am amazed at how effective it is to connect in this way. I believe that people can find their “true home” in their bodies without starvation or brutal exercise. I will help you get off the diet merry-go-round; learn to experience food and movement as nourishing and pleasurable; and find peace and joy in your life. My goal is to keep my coaching services affordable and accessible. Wherever you are on your healing journey, I will meet you there.

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