What made you want to become an Eating Psychology Coach?
As a BodyTalk practitioner, I’m fascinated by the MindBody connection and the impact of thoughts, emotions, and belief systems on the human body. After working in this area for a few years, the field of nutrition became an obvious area of enquiry for me – clients would ask questions about it, and I became curious about the impact of nutrition on their wellbeing. I researched several different schools to find the right fit for me. I knew I didn’t want to become a nutritionist. I didn’t want to spend my days writing out eating plans, because I knew intuitively that there was so much more to the story. When I came across IPE it resonated immediately with the work I was already doing. I knew it was the perfect bridge I was looking for.
What do you love about being an Eating Psychology Coach?
I love being an Eating Psychology Coach because I’m able to integrate everything I’ve learned into my current practice and go so much deeper. Clients often come to me because they’re feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or having difficulty moving on in their lives. I’m able to integrate the knowledge and skills I’ve learned through IPE with the skills I have as a BodyTalk practitioner. In this way, I’m offering a “talk” component that helps bring about insight and conscious action, as well as the energetic component that brings about shifting at the sub-conscious level.
What does your practice look like?
At the moment my practice is majority 1:1 clients in my beautiful office in Ballito, South Africa. I’m also starting to add more Skype calls to give me greater time and location flexibility. In September I’ll be starting an 8-week programme based on Marc David’s book, The Slow Down Diet. Clients asked me to run it because they’re so fascinated by this work! It definitely feels like this information is necessary right now. People are tired of dieting and of hating their own bodies. Collectively there seems to be a desire for something new; something that goes deeper to permanently change our relationship with food, and ourselves.
How did your education at the Institute prepare you to work successfully with clients?
The IPE course was world-class in its approach. The material was solid, incredibly thorough, and beautifully shared. It was so much more than a ‘content’ course, it was heart-based. I found the material settled in and resonated so deeply that I was immediately able to start adding it to my existing approach. And in doing so, my sessions became that much more powerful. I found I was able to coach people to find insights, to wake up, to make changes. It’s been so rewarding watching people shift in so many areas of their lives – careers, relationships, personal freedom. And food was just the entry point!
What was your favorite aspect of the Training?
I loved that IPE covered both left-brain science and right-brain intuition. It allowed me to integrate my desire for hard facts with a more fluid feeling approach to dealing with real people. And the blending of these two areas is where the magic lies! My favorite part of the training has been the FaceBook group, which I continue to benefit from. I’m still amazed at the level of sharing and support provided. This group of people really care about each other. They ask for and provide honest feedback, motivation, information and wisdom. So no matter where you are in the world, it’s easy to feel supported and connected.
How has being an Eating Psychology Coach impacted you personally?
Being an Eating Psychology Coach has impacted me personally in that it’s given me the confidence to take my business to a new level. I feel the impact I can have and am much more able to ‘go there’ in my client sessions. I realise that I’m part of a body of leading edge work and that passion is what drives me every day.
What do you see for yourself in your future as an Eating Psychology Coach – where is your work evolving towards?
I know that this is just the beginning and there’s still so much more to come with this work. I’m looking forward to sharing this wisdom as part of my broader approach to MindBody Wellness through ongoing coaching, small group courses, talks, and eventually on-line programmes.
NAME: Jessica Uys, MindBody Nutrition Coach, South Africa
WEBSITE: jessicauys.com
BIO: I’m Jessica, BodyTalk Practitioner & MindBody Wellness Coach. I help women calm down and slow down so they can create space for a life they love. I’m passionate about helping women part with perfection and find freedom in letting go.
I’m big on self-care, pleasure, and small, gentle changes that really empower.
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