My Life as an Eating Psychology Coach: Abi Denyer-Bewick

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My life as an eating psychology coach with Abi Denyer-Bewick

What made you want to become an Eating Psychology Coach?

Having worked as a Nutritional Therapist since 2009, it became clear to me that so many people’s health issues were so much more than the food they ate or their biochemistry. With a background in Psychology and Counselling, I was seeking something to fill this gap and take a broader overview. This course felt like the missing link.

What do you love about being an Eating Psychology Coach?

It feels a real honour to work with individuals in such an intimate area. I have a deep respect for the therapeutic relationship being a sacred space where truths can reveal themselves. I really love the moments when a person gains a new insight, particularly hearing what they have gained from a homework exercise or practice. I love being witness to someone’s liberation and personal empowerment through their deeper understanding of themselves.

What does your practice look like?

My practice is primarily one-to-one sessions with clients; these clients range in age from 20 to 80 and are mainly women. I specialise in mental health and working with women and understanding our cyclical nature, working with menstrual cycle awareness and the potency of transitional points in the life cycle such as motherhood and menopause. I also run experiential group circles exploring body image and movement. Looking at how we can find our way back to a natural love for ourselves and our bodies. I also work with clients on Skype if they are further afield.

How did your education at the Institute prepare you to work successfully with clients?

This education filled the gaps exactly how I hoped it would, building on my intuitive sense of connections. It has given greater depth to my skills as a therapist, reminding me the importance of the client’s story. It also gave me a whole range of different tools to work with clients beyond diet and lifestyle interventions. I have found greater success and more sustainable change has been possible since integrating these tools.

What was your favorite aspect of the Training?

I found how the whole course was put together brilliant and continue to revisit the audios. Staff support was always available, very quick responses and always encouraging. The Facebook group and live calls gave a great sense of being part of a community and continues to be a place of mutual support and inspiration.

How has being an Eating Psychology Coach impacted your professional life/financial well-being?

Gaining this qualification means that I feel more fully rounded in my approach and it has been the thing that has united aspects of my personal life and practices with my professional life. This has given the courage and inspiration to design more personalised and creative ways of working with people both one-to-one and in groups.

How has being an Eating Psychology Coach impacted you personally?

Being an Eating Psychology Coach has impacted my personal life through enriching my understanding of the human experience. I feel as though I gained an ability to move with greater ease and curiosity through life with an appreciation of the bigger picture. This sense of ease comes out of moving beyond the paradigm of fixing – for myself, those close to me, and clients. There is a deeper relaxation without the striving!

What do you see for yourself in your future as an Eating Psychology Coach – where is your work evolving towards?

I see my work in this area evolving further alongside my menstruality work and as part of a bigger picture of women reclaiming their bodies and minds, their personal power, and gaining liberation and empowerment in how they view their health. My intention is to facilitate people to find the joy and freedom in taking responsibility for their health. I see this being through the one-to-one work and workshop spaces.

Why would you recommend the Training to others?

I would recommend this Training to all nutrition professionals working in a one-to-one or group setting as it gives such a rich depth to what it means to be human and existing as part of such a complex web.

Anything else you’d like to share about being an Eating Psychology Coach?

I think this curriculum should be part of every nutrition training.

NAME: Abi Denyer-Bewick / Nutrition for Change
Title:  Nutritional Therapist, Eating Psychology Coach, Yoga and Menstruality Educator

BIO: Abi is a Nutritional Therapist currently completing certification with the Institute for Functional Medicine. Passionate about exploring root causes and looking deeply at all aspects of the human experience she is confident in our innate ability to heal. Abi is also a yoga teacher and menstruality educator.

My life as an eating psychology coach with Abi Denyer-Bewick

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