How to Earn a Living as a Health Coach

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A female jumping with her hands raised on the sunset

How to Earn a Living as a Health Coach You worked hard to get your certification as a Health Coach and it’s time to strike out into the world to share your super powers to improve the health of others. But what is next? How do you earn a living as a Health Coach?

Earning a living as a Health Coach requires a two-pronged approach to finding success. First, do your homework to get clear on what you have to offer the world. Next, decide how you want to deliver those offerings.

Get Clear About Your Mission

To lay the foundation to earn a living as a health coach, you need to get clear on your energy first. What type of energy are you bringing to this new adventure? Positive energy draws people to you and creates opportunity. Negative energy may not.

Check in with your internal monologue about how you feel as a Health Coach.

Are you excited to share the news with the world? Do you have a solid elevator speech to introduce yourself as a Health Coach? Are your comfortable with money and believe that you should be paid for what you are worth? Do you feel confident with your coaching skills, tools and knowledge?

If you answered no to any of the questions above it may be necessary to do a little bit of homework before striking out into business. Clarify your mission as a coach. Remember why you earned your certification in the first place. Remind yourself what you hope to accomplish and get ready to transform the world!

Who do you want to work for?

Next, decide whom you want to work for – yourself or someone else. Do you possess an entrepreneurial spirit or are you someone who would rather not have to worry about the small details of running a business?

This question is more important than you might think.

The field of health coaching is exploding. It’s possible to find jobs with existing health care companies. And it’s equally as possible to make a living as a business owner yourself. Spend some time thinking about what would work best for you.

If you are someone who likes the idea of taking direction and being in a workplace – perhaps pursuing work in a more traditional office setting makes sense. There are jobs as Health Coaches in hospitals, doctor’s offices, wellness centers, spas, yoga centers, gymnasiums, Crossfit gyms, insurance companies and even corporations.

Do some research to seek out job openings. Network with your peers. Organize informational interviews. Get the word out that you are looking to be hired as a Health Coach via social media platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. The jobs are there – you just have to go out and find them!

If you are someone who would rather be your own boss then starting your own business could be the way to go. Establishing a business requires discipline, creativity, good organizational skills, comfort with computer technology and the ability to work well on your own. Owning your own Health Coach business can be fun and rewarding both on a financial and personal level.

With your own business, the sky is the limit!

Earning a Living as an Health Coach Entrepreneur

If you decide to go the route of owning your own business there are a myriad of ways to earn a living. In this day and age of you can reach potential clients all over the world and computer technology makes it possible for you to run your business virtually.

All you need is a website and access to social media and you can spread your message far and wide.

Take some time to define your brand and establish a niche in the market. What type of population do you enjoy working with? Men? Women? Mothers? The middle-aged? Young people just out of college? Define your niche as distinctly as possible to find the greatest success.

The most financially successful Health Coaches are efficient at working both locally and virtually. Establish a presence in your own neighborhood and create a thriving local practice where you work with clients face to face. At the same you can work with clients throughout the world with technologies such as Face Time and Skype. You can live in Texas and have a session with client in England!

In addition to working one-on-one with clients most Health Coaches round out their practices with a number of different offerings that make it possible to generate a living. Here is a list of business offerings you might consider including in your virtual practice:

Email Newsletter: This is the easiest way to build a list of supporters. Encourage potential clients to sign up for the newsletter emailed to their inboxes weekly or monthly. Treat this group of supporters like gold. They are your bread and butter when it comes to spreading the word about your business.
Webinars: Offer a special webinar program to a group of individuals.
Books: Write and publish books on your areas of expertise and sell them on your website.
Teleconferences: Hold a program via the telephone. Teleconference technology is easy to use and effective in working with groups remotely.
Retreats and Workshops: Organize a two-day getaway with Health Coaching at a nearby destination spa. Or advertise and hold a workshop at a local yoga studio, gym or community center.
E-courses: Design a course that you offer online as a download for a fee.
Website Membership: Offer memberships on your website for a fee to build a community. Pick a weekly topic to explore and create a safe space for people to share.
Speaking Opportunities: Market yourself as a speaker and get hired for a fee to speak locally, regionally or nationally.
Affiliate Links: Consider partnering with other like-minded brands and services that offer affiliate opportunities.

Here at the Institute for the Psychology of Eating we are committed to helping you thrive as a coach.

We offer a separate Bonus Business Development Module for all Eating Psychology Coaches in our Training. This bonus content covers everything you need know to earn a living as an Eating Psychology Coach – from how to get started in business to creating a brand to social media strategies. We leave no stone unturned in our efforts to help you prosper.

Health Coaches have loads of opportunity these days to earn a living. You simply need to be clear about who you are as a coach, who you want to serve and how you want to do it. Do that and you will pave your path to success!

A female jumping with her hands raised on the sunset

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