My Life as an Eating Psychology Coach: Peter Craig

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My life as an eating psychology coach with Peter Craig

What made you want to become an Eating Psychology Coach?

I chose to become an Eating Psychology Coach because I wanted to learn more about nutrition, gain insights into my own eating habits to better them, and also to coach others into greater health.

What do you love about being an Eating Psychology Coach?

I love that I get to bring emotions and a holistic perspective into our relationship with eating and to conversations around nutrition, health, and fitness. I am humbled when people gain insights into their relationship with eating, and make positive changes to feel better about themselves. I truly believe that health is wealth.

What does your practice look like?

My practice looks like an initial consultation and then a decision to potentially work together for multiple sessions. I am integrating eating psychology coaching with counseling. My Graduate School curriculum had zero information about nutrition, yet we now know from cutting edge science that 80% of our immunity relates to the state of our gut health. I am inspired to bring that conversation into counseling.

How did your education at the Institute prepare you to work successfully with clients?

The Institute for the Psychology of Eating is one part knowledge, one part coaching training, one part inspiration. Put this together, and people at many stages of their own journey with eating can serve others. I feel empowered with nutritional science, psychological concepts, and a compassionate approach to help others improve their health.

What was your favorite aspect of the Training?

The live event – training and networking. Truly our journey as eaters is one we share together, with our own tribes locally and globally. Spending a week with people all over the world reminded me how of how human connection is an essential ingredient in our quest for wellness.

How has being an Eating Psychology Coach impacted your professional life/financial well-being?

Now as a certified coach, people respect what I have to offer and pay me well for our time together. More importantly, I feel like I have a lot to offer my clients and community.

How has being an Eating Psychology Coach impacted you personally?

I have more curiosity and compassion for the decisions I make with eating, and more awareness around how environments influence my habits. I feel empowered to explore more meaningfully the joy of eating, and have more mindfulness around my eating rhythm and what I put into my body. More self-love leads to healthier eating which leads to more confidence. And sometimes I eat lots of chocolate. And that’s okay too.

What do you see for yourself in your future as an Eating Psychology Coach – where is your work evolving towards?

I see myself integrating eating psychology with counseling, to empower clients to explore, gain insight, and make positive changes for greater health and happiness. I believe that a holistic approach to eating and our lives will serve us more than a ‘nutrition by the numbers’ that promotes an ‘eat less exercise more’ philosophy that doesn’t acknowledge the power our emotions exert over our relationships with our bodies and eating. Mindfulness, yoga, nutrition, time in nature, time with friends and family, are all integral aspects to our being human. Acknowledging all the parts of ourselves with a supportive coach can help us heal negative body image issues or addictive eating behaviors.

Why Would You Recommend the Training to Others?

The Training is an 8 month + journey into your own relationship with eating as well as into mind-body nutrition, eating psychology, and coaching. I learned more about myself than I expected through the Training. I learned skills to apply this knowledge to serving others. It’s more focused on eating psychology and less on statistics. If you are wanting to gain insight into yourself and looking for a more profound approach than traditional nutritional offerings, this is a perfect opportunity.

NAME: Peter Craig
BUSINESS: Peter Craig Coaching

BIO: Peter Craig is a consultant, Eating Psychology Coach, and counselor in-training who has been studying health psychology for over 10 years. Co-Founder of Green Living with Essential Oils, Peter has been educating and inspiring thousands to cultivate greater health, wealth, and happiness through the dimensions of body, mind, and spirit.

My life as an eating psychology coach with Peter Craig

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