My Life as an Eating Psychology Coach: Jessica Silsby

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My life as an eating psychology coach with Jessica Silsby

What made you want to become an Eating Psychology Coach?

For years I felt out of control around food. Disordered eating and body dysmorphia ruled my life and eventually led me to hit rock bottom. My body and health were suffering and as a result, I was forced to end my dancing career. I knew it was time to begin healing my relationship with food. And when I experienced the life changing results of doing so, I knew it was something I had to help others with.

What do you love about being an Eating Psychology Coach?

I love that I am able to share the profound and ground breaking content that the Institute teaches. So many people need this information! Supporting women and guiding them through their challenges with food is so rewarding.

What does your practice look like?

I hold coaching sessions over Skype, which gratefully enables me to speak to women from all across the globe. Working together one-on-one through a 3-month program, I help my clients gain a sense of freedom and peace around their eating habits. I specialize in taking the chaos out of eating and help women feel back in control around food.

How did your education at the Institute prepare you to work successfully with clients?

The course armed me with powerful strategies and tools to help people make massive breakthroughs in their challenges with food. (Strategies that enabled me to hugely transform my own relationship with food too.)
As a new coach, I felt completely nurtured. Marc shared invaluable insights on coaching that really gave me confidence.

What was your favorite aspect of the Training?

My favourite thing was the amazing support from the IPE staff in our Facebook group. That extra support and guidance was so incredibly valuable. I also loved Marc’s ability to deliver the content in a way that was really easy to connect with. His sense of humour helped too!

How has being an Eating Psychology Coach impacted your professional life/financial well-being?

There is nothing better than loving what you do. When your work is something that excites and inspires you, and supports you financially, you know you’re onto something good. Becoming an Eating Psychology Coach has made this a reality for me.

How has being an Eating Psychology Coach impacted you personally?

It is truly fulfilling to be of service to women who are going through what I have been through myself. It’s an honour to watch them grow through their eating challenges and make lasting positive change in their lives.

What do you see for yourself in your future as an Eating Psychology Coach – where is your work evolving towards?

Right now I am deeply committed to working one-on-one with women. In the future I would love to create online programs and hold live events and workshops. A book is definitely on the bucket list too!

Why Would You Recommend the Training to Others?

This is a groundbreaking Training. The concepts, principles, and lessons are so powerful. The knowledge that you will gain from completing it enables you to change lives!

Anything else you’d like to share?

The world needs people doing this work. If you’re feeling a pull towards this Training, then follow that feeling and just do it! You won’t regret it.

NAME: Jessica Silsby

BIO: Jessica Silsby helps women overcome their out of control eating habits so they stop stressing and obsessing about food. She teaches women who are craving normality in their relationship with food, exactly how to find food freedom, once and for all.

My life as an eating psychology coach with Jessica Silsby

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